AUM sarveshaam svastir bhavatu, sarveshaam shaantir bhavatu
sarveshaam poornam bhavatu, sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu niraamayaah
sarve bhadraani pashyantu, maa kashchidh dukh bhaag-bhavet.
Meaning of the Sarveshaam Shanti Mantra
Let it be so ordained (-bhavatu), that all the people (-sarveshaam), experience well-being (-svastir) ; let all the people experience peace or tranquility (-shaantir). Let all the people experience wholeness and completeness (-poornam) ; let them experience prosperity and auspiciousness (-mangalam).
May it so happen (-bhavantu) that everyone (-sarve) receives happiness (-sukhinah) ; let them all be saint-like (-santu) and be without disease and in good health (-niraamayaah). Let them see with their own eyes (-pashyantu) the goodness of life (-bhadaraani) ; And let them not (maa) contemplate in their conscious mind (-kashchidh) any sorrow inducing (dukh) thoughts while they remain beneficiaries (-bhavet) of good fortune (-bhaag).
Sanskrit Version of the Sarveshaam Shanti Mantra
The Sanskrit version of the sarveshaam mantra, as produced from the itrans transliteration given above, is
Audio (mp3) Snippets of the Sarveshaam Shanti Mantra
- Download the Sarveshaam Shanti Mantra (last two lines only) audio mp3 (165K, 19sec)
- This is a beautiful rendition of the short version of the Sarveshaam Mantra in mp3 format by Pandit Jasraaj. (Buy Pandit Jasraj Music)
- Download the Sarveshaam Shanti Mantra (last two lines only) audio mp3 (128K, 17sec)
- This is a rendition of the short version of the Sarveshaam Mantra in mp3 format by Hari Om Sharan. (Buy ($) Hari Om Sharan music)